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Water Pollution Control

Water Pollution Control - Biohm Consultare Pvt. Ltd. - Improve the nature condition Water Pollution Control - Akone Services - Improve the nature condition

Water is considered polluted if some substances or condition is present to such a degree that the water cannot be used for a specific purpose. Water pollution is generally induced by humans. It results from actions of humans carried on to better self. These could be treated under the various activities that man engages in, that lead to pollution. Water pollution becomes worse as a result of overcrowding in urban areas. Agricultural, domestic and industrial wastes are the major pollutants of agnatic habitats. Sewage is the biggest pollutant of fresh water when discharged into them. Sewage is the waterborne waster of society and the discharge of untreated sewage into a river is very enormous and unhealthy. Pollution poses a serious risk to life especially when the water is a source of drinking and for domestic purposes for humans polluted waters are potent agents of diseases such as cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis. A major water pollutants has been oil spilled in large quantities from tankers of broken oil pipes from oil industries which kills sea weeds, mollusks, marine birds, crustaceans, fishes and other sea organisms that serve as food for humans. This leads to calcium deficiencies in our diet.

Sources of Water Pollution

  • Sewage leakages
  • High population density
  • Oil spillage
  • Industrial waste dumped into our waters
  • Pollution of ground water through drilling activities
  • Flooding during rainy season which carries waste deposits into our waters.
  • Building lavatories and visionaries over running water or even the sea as it the practice in some riverine areas.
  • Radioisotopes
  • Heavy metal
  • Combustion
  • Toxic waste disposal at sea
  • Mineral processing plant (e.g. coal production)
  • Eroded sediments
  • Deforestation
  • Mining
  • Littering
  • Failing septic system
  • House hold chemicals
  • Animal wastes.
  • Pesticides, Herbicides and fertilizers

Water quality criteria are numerical limitations and guidelines for the control of chemical, biological and toxic constituents in bodies of water. A growing technological approach encourages assessment and management of ecological risks in the setting of water pollution regulations. The concept is based on an analysis of the ecological benefits and costs in meeting standards or limits. Parkhurst (1995) has proposed the application of aquatic ecological risk assessment as an aid in setting water pollution control limits, particularly as applicable for the protection of aquatic life. Such risk assessment methods may be applied to estimate the ecological effects of chemical concentrations for a broad range of surface water pollution conditions including:

  • Point source pollution
  • Non-point source pollution
  • Existing contaminated sediments in stream channels
  • Hazardous wastes sites as related to water bodies
  • Analysis of existing water pollution control criteria.

Bioremediation is the key to remediate the water pollution. Bioremediation is the use of living organisms, primarily microorganisms, to degrade environmental contaminants into less toxic forms. Bioremediation strategies are often more beneficial than traditional strategies because it can be implemented in situ. Innovative in situ technologies permit biological treatment of contaminated water by means of reactive molecules produced by microbes. This provides a simpler, less intrusive and cheaper method than conventional pump and treats systems that often employ hazardous chemicals that create and additional environmental risk. Bioremediation techniques are more economical than traditional methods and pollutants can be treated on site, thus reducing exposure risks for personnel. When compared to standard practices, effluent volumes generated by bioremediation are substantially smaller reducing the problem of sludge disposal. Additionally, since bioremediation is based on natural processes, the public considers it more acceptable and green than other technologies.

We at BCPL, provide the best solution for water pollution control for your industrial /residential unit in terms of ETP, STP, WTP, RO, dosing, chemicals, maintenance services, operation & maintenance of ETP/STP, etc. We also provide the bioremediation technologies for water pollution eradication and soil contamination removal.

Overall Wastewater Treatment Plant efficiency
Wastewaters include a broad range of constituents which generally are classified as suspended and dissolved solids, inorganic constituents and organic constituents. The efficiency of a treatment system can be measured in terms of the percentage removal of these constituents. Common parameters of measurement are:

  • BOD: biochemical oxygen demand, measured in mg/L
  • COD: chemical oxygen demand, measured in mg/L
  • TSS: total suspended solids, measured in mg/L
  • TDS: total dissolved solids, measured in mg/L
  • Nitrogen forms: including nitrate and ammonia, measured in mg/L
  • Phosphate: measured in mg/L (also of particular concern as a nutrient in eutrophication)
  • pH: degree of acidity, measured as a number from 1 (most acid) to 14 (most alkaline)
  • Coliform bacteria counts: measured as most probable number per 100 mL (Escherichia and fecal coliform bacteria are most common indicators).

More in Pollution Control Services

  • Air Pollution Control

  • Noise Pollution Control

  • Soil & Land Pollution Control

  • Waste Management

Find us

Reg. Address : 176-B, 4/2, Paschim Vihar Colony,
Mohan Road,Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 227107
Surat Office : 309, Exult Shopper, Near Siddhi
Vinayak Temple, Vesu, Surat-395007 (Gujarat) India
BRANCH : Delhi-NCR, Surat, Agra

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+91 99099 68953 | +91 94505 01471 | +91 63557 60321

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